Boyfriend is giving me an Alice book


Dear Phyllis Reynolds Naylor,

I must start off by saying, I am so happy that I came across the Alice series! Like most girls, I read my first Alice book when I was in grade 6. Although I am now 19, my boyfriend has pre-ordered Alice on Board for my birthday this month. I have been reading and enjoying the Alice books for years now, and I never tire of your writing. When I was in grade school, reading about Alice’s adventures helped to put my own problems in perspective. It truly is so much fun to read through all of the books from my childhood and be transported back to when I was Alice’s age, and remember all of the fun times I had with my girlfriends. It’s bittersweet that the series is ending soon, but I think my next project will be to hunt down ALL the books in the series to build my own collection. Thank you again for being such an amazing author, you truly are the highlight of my childhood and I hope many other young girls can read your books and learn and grow with Alice too.
Phyllis replied:
What a great guy you have!  I hear from so many readers who want to reread the whole collection, and I’m happy to know that you are one of them.  The final book, “Always Alice,” will be a long one, and the publisher will bring it out in the fall of next year.  Thanks so much for letting me know how much they mean to you. 
Posted on: June 17, 2012


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