Boys Against Girls


Hi, Phyllis. Your Boys Against Girls series was a staple to me in grade school. If the setting (houses on both sides of a river with a bridge) is a real place from your life, where is it? If not, what was your inspiration?

Phyllis replied:

It is  indeed a real setting, Buckhannon, West Virginia.   My husband lived there as a boy.  He lived in the house that I used for the boys in my story, and when he was in college, he crossed a swinging footbridge to get to the other side of the river.  We visited there several times after we were married–one of his college professors bought the house and was living in it after Rex’s parents died. And there really is a trap door in the cellar of the bookstore.  I asked permission to climb down in the cellar while I was picking up material for the series.


Posted on: November 4, 2022


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