Boys Start The War Series


Hello! I was so thrilled to find your site and found your prompt responses so encouraging! Reading your books (specifically the beloved adventures of the Hatford boys and Malloy girls) in my middle school library was my favorite pass time. They are still my favorite childhood series to revisit. I am a children’s pastor in Houston, TX and frequently tell my students about these books – I’m always on the lookout for children I know will appreciate them as I did. I had almost the full collection of the books with the old artwork which I am particularly fond of – as they feel nostalgic having been a 90s child. Unfortunately, my mother donated my beloved collection after I had moved out for college and I have recently started to rebuild it. I haven’t been able to find hardcovers with the old artwork on any book after the Boys Return to my disappointment. Was this style discontinued after the Boys Return? … I so appreciate your time and pray blessings of safety on you and your family through this season. Thank you for the way you’ve served the world with your stories- you have brought joy to so many!

Phyllis replied:

I just checked my personal library, and it seems that with the next book in the series, “The Girls Take Over,” the publisher gave all the hardcover books the same look as their paperback copies.  Like you, I favored the old fashioned kind where the cover depicted some action in the book.  Made it so much more enticing.  I’m so glad you enjoy my books and find them helpful in your work.  I would think you might find my Shiloh quartet especially useful.

Posted on: April 23, 2020


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