Can’t Bear to See them Go


Thank you, all I can say is thank you! I have read all the Alice books and only have 9 more pages on Now I Tell You Everything. Yes I could be finishing the book right now, but I’m sad. These books have been a big part of my life and I can’t bare to see them go, though to me Alice will never leave. It breaks my heart sometimes when I think that Alice isn’t a real person, but I realize that many of your memories are shared through Alice. After this, I will finally finish the Alice series and probably sob my eyes out. But I just want you to know that Alice is my role model, and a person I can always turn to whether it’s listening to her or using her experiences to guide me, she is always there. Please if you ever get the chance to read this, I just ask that you understand how much Alice has made a difference in my life. Thank you!

Phyllis responds:

It’s wonderful to hear how much the books have meant to you.  It’s meaningful to me to read reader’s letters and emails, and relive the books through things you tell me.  Thanks so much for your email.

Posted on: November 13, 2014


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