Alice Blog
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Hi, I just want to say how much I really loved reading your Alice series! It is really realistic and wonderful! My friends and I first discovered your Alice series in our school library but unfortunately, they were quite limited. The furthest book in the series we could read was “the grooming of Alice” .Morever, the school’s collection lacked a lot of books before “the grooming of alice”. We would have bought the other books had they been available in the bookstores but since most (nearly all) of the other books found there are either really really really popular best-sellers, we could not find your books at all…. Also, the bookstore can’t special order your books. We are also in no position to buy your books online…. On behalf of all my friends and myself, I would like to ask you what happened to Alicce and the other characters (since we can’t get the books and sadly can’t read them). However, whatever you decide, we’ll tell you once again: we really liked reading Alice!
Phyllis replied:
I know it’s difficult to find all the Alice books, but I can’t imagine any bookstore that wouldn’t special order a book for you. Of course, you must pay in advance, which means you probably need to go to the store and do this; if you can’t afford to buy a book, you can ask your public library to get the book you want on inter-library loan. And this does take a while. If you decide you don’t want to do either of these, all you really want to know is what happens to the characters in all the other books, then go to your computer, look each book up on, and read the reviews.
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Posted on: November 17, 2010
If you don’t mind me asking how did you come up with the Alice Books idea? Did it pop in to your head in a random place at a random time or did you sit at a desk every morning until it came into your head & onto the paper?
Phyllis replied:
I had been thinking about writing a novel about a young motherless girl who is looking for a role model. But after “The Agony of Alice” was published, so many readers wanted more, and reviewers suggested I write more, that I began to think about a series. I told my editor I would write one if Alice could grow a little older in each book, so I wouldn’t be stuck in a sit-com, and she agreed.
Posted on: November 7, 2010
I just wanted to write to you to say that Alice McKinley makes everything better no matter how bad it is. there’s always some comfort in reading a book with a character going through situations that are so real and you can relate to. I haven’t been able to put these books down since I first started reading them in 7th grade; now I’m a freshman in college and just got broken up with for somebody else. I’m reading Alice Alone right now and the way you described Alice and Patrick’s break up was so realistic and I started crying all over again as I turned the pages. all I really want to say is thank you for writing books that help girls get through struggles in life that make you grow as a person, and to know that the alone feeling is a lie. thank you so much.
Phyllis replied:
And thank you so much for your letter. This was sort of a down day for me, too, and your email was a little ray of sunshine. I’m so glad the book helped.
Posted on: November 7, 2010
Iwas wondering: In your book “The Agony of Alice” when the teachers are calling their class names and Miss Coles says Ann Martin, is that an allusion to author Ann M. Martin, or just a coincidence?
Phyllis replied:
Just a coincidence. I never use names of people I know.
Posted on: November 7, 2010
I have a problem. I realllly like this boy, and I’ve known him sinse the 3rd grade. He liked me for awhile, but I know he stopped…..well he’s dating an 8th grader that I know, and were both in 7th grade. I’m like seriously jealous….. anyway. He flirts with me, and even my friend noticed. I REALLLY LIKE him, but he’s going out with the girl. I know for a fact that they’ve kissed and stuff…..I know this isn’t a big deal, but it still hurts. How do I deal?
Phyllis replied:
You deal with it by realizing that not everyone you really like is going to really like you back. It’s a fact of life, hard as it is to swallow. But someday it will be you who doesn’t like a boy as much as he likes you. It’s also quite possible that your interest in this guy has increased just knowing he’s going out with another girl. If he dropped her, would you want him as much? Something to think about.
Posted on: November 2, 2010
I love your Alice books so much! I have read every one from Alice in Blunderland to Alice in Charge!
Me and my 2 best friends read all of them at the same time and if one of us gets to a good part then we call the other two or talk on the computer about it, or talk about at school! I buy every single Alice book and keep them all on their own special shelf by themselves because they are my favourites!!
Phyllis replied:
You and your friends certainly seem to be having a good time with the Alice books. Thank you for being such loyal fans.
Posted on: November 2, 2010
My friends are big fans of your books and I am becoming one also!
I want to be an author one day so thank you
for being an inspiration. I have an advice question. One of my friends, we are
in college, she had a crush on a guy named Alex, but never wanted to pursue it.
One of our other friends
informed us that Alex is gay. She is a little disappointed, but she is a great
girl so I think she will find someone wonderful for her.
In the meantime though, what can be and my friends say for words of comfort.
Thank you.=
Phyllis replied:
You would give the same kind of comfort you would if any guy rejected her for any reason. It’s hard, I know, when you invest so much energy and time and dreams and fantasizing over a particular person, to finally realize that the feelings simply aren’t reciprocated. And you can’t promise anyone that she is going to meet someone else who is wonderful, because life is too iffy for that. But when you consider that there are billions of people in this world and about half of them are male, her odds of finding someone else who loves her back are exceedingly good.
Posted on: November 2, 2010
Where do you work when you’re writing an Alice book? In a comfy chair in your living room, and on paper? Or do you type the books in an office?
And, I am so excited for Incredibly Alice, I think I could stop breathing at any moment. I didn’t think books could do that to you, but -surprise, surprise!-the Alice books do.
Phyllis replied:
Gosh, you’ve got a long time to wait, as that book won’t be out till next June. But I’m delighted to know you like the Alice books so much. I write my first two drafts of a novel sitting in a comfortable chair in my living room. After that, I type a draft on the computer, print it out, revise it, print it out, revise it–over and over again until it’s just the way I want it.
Thank you for making the world a better place.
Posted on: November 2, 2010
All I have to say is that I LOVE your Alice books! It is an amazing and unique series. I am just so glad my friend recommened it. I asked her one day, “I have no more books to read now, what should I read?” in our school library one day. She handed me the first one, Starting with Alice. At first i wa snot sure, but I needed something to read so I took it. I loved it! I finished it in 4 days! I could not wait to go and check out the next one! I am currently on Outrageously Alice. One reason why I am a fan is beacuse of the fact that it was written years back. I do not like the teen books written today, I love that these books take place in the ’80s and ’90s (I looked at the copyright date!). I am just so glad i found a series i really enjoy! Thank you for your wonderful books!!!
Phyllis replied:
I know the feeling of finding a series you really like. There are now 25 books in the Alice series, and in a few years, it will end with 28 books. Enjoy, enjoy!
Posted on: November 2, 2010
Hello! I just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoy all of your books & how realistic Alice & the other characters are. The problems they have are often extremely similar to things I deal with & I really appreciate that. I also have a question. I think I’m depressed & I don’t know what to do. I have lots of great friends & a lovely family so I don’t know why I feel this way, but I have been having suicidal thoughts & have even started writing suicide notes. This is so so so terrifying to me & I don’t know what to do. My mom is against anti-depressants & other medication but I haven’t told her about thinking about suicide. I have been feeling this way for quite a while & suicide is always in the back of my mind as a last resort if something goes wrong. I like this guy who’s my best friend & he has a girlfriend so I know I should just give up & move on but I just feel like I love him. I can’t sleep & it’s often impossible for me to focus. I go to therapy but it doesn’t seem to help.
Phyllis replied:
You are in therapy for a reason, so I hope that you have told your therapist about your suicidal thoughts, whether you feel that therapy is helping you or not. This is not something to keep to yourself. If not your therapist, and you feel you can’t tell your parents, tell a teacher or counselor or your principal. And if no one takes you seriously, please try one of these hot-lines: 1-800-448-3000; 1-800-422-4453; or 1-800-273-8255. I can’t tell you not to feel the way you do, because obviously we can’t help how we feel, but we can help what we do about it. What I can tell you is that I have known several people who seriously considered suicide at one point in their lives, and are so glad they didn’t go through with it. Situations change; bodies change; loves change; emotions change; circumstances and places and people change. What seems impossibly ugly or terrifying or awful now can seem of little consequence a few years, even a few months, from now. Please ask your mother to let a doctor help you decide about medications for depression. There is no need for you to continue to suffer the way you do now, and when you’re feeling better, you can think more clearly and see life with a different perspective.
Posted on: November 2, 2010