Shiloh Blog

Thank you


I wanted to let you know my 4th grade class is currently reading Shiloh…thank you for writing it 🙂

Phyllis replied:

Fourth seems to be the grade when most schools use it.  Please give my best wishes to your students!

Posted on: March 25, 2020

Shiloh read aloud


Good Evening, I hope you are well during this pandemic. I see where you have given permission to teachers to read Shiloh aloud and post in their google classroom. My district is requiring written permission from the author to do so. Thanking you in advance for allowing us to continue teaching our students and for sharing your written talents.

Phyllis replied:

Yes, you have my permission to read the Shiloh series for your online classroom during this one particular crisis.  Best wishes to all your students.

Posted on: March 24, 2020

Permission to record voice


Currently I am in the midst of planning out my work for remote learning with my fourth graders. When we left school a week ago I was reading Shiloh Season. I wanted to get your permission to record my voice and upload to my Google Classroom.


Mikella Eichen

Phyllis replied:

Yes, you have my permission to do that, as long as you are recording on a private channel available only to your classroom during this one particular crisis.  Happy reading to your students!

Posted on: March 23, 2020

Hello from Minnesota


Hi. You are my favorite author and I love your Shiloh books. My favorite is Saving Shiloh. Are beagles your favorite breed of dog? How did you decide to make Shiloh a beagle?

Phyllis replied:

Probably because the mistreated little beagle I came across in West Virginia had the coloring of a beagle, and I thought that a beagle might be used for hunting in West Virginia.  I’m so glad that you like my books.

Posted on: March 21, 2020

Read aloud during crisis


Dear Ms. Naylor,
I teach fourth grade in Georgia, and our school is not in session due to the virus. I had been reading aloud “Shiloh,” and my students couldn’t wait to hear it each day. I wanted to ask permission to continue reading the story aloud to them through my private Google Classroom or other private digital platform such as Google Meet or Zoom. I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for your consideration.

Phyllis replied:

Yes, you have my permission to read this book on a private digital platform for this particular crisis only.  Give my best wishes to your class.

Posted on: March 20, 2020

Reading Shiloh


Hello. With everything going on, I’m trying to find fun activities for my students while they are home. I was in the middle of reading Shiloh and I’m sure the kids would love to hear the rest of the story. Do you give me permission to record myself reading the rest of the story and posting it on Flipgrid for them to listen to?
Thank you!

Phyllis replied:

You may do so as long as the reading is put on a private “channel,” accessible only to your classroom or school (not youtube) and only for this particular crisis.  And should this crisis last longer than we ever expected, you may read from the rest of the Shiloh quartet as well.


Posted on: March 17, 2020

Why I love your your books


I love your books so much. In class we have read all your books. I cried in all the movies. My favorite part was when Judd saved Shiloh in the river. And how Judd became nicer and how you put that in our books it felt like real life. I have two dogs Max and bella. Your Shiloh series are my favorite books ever. I can’t wait to read the Alice series. You are my favorite author.

Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad that you liked the Shiloh series.  The 28 books of the Alice series were fun to write too.  You’ll want to begin with “Starting with Alice,” followed by “Alice in Blunderland.”

Posted on: March 12, 2020

A great Book!


My teacher, Mrs.Young has read us all four of your books. I loved every single one. My two favorites are most likely, Saving Shiloh and Shiloh Christmas. When my teacher said she was reading us her all time favorite book, and showed us, I was a bit doubtful about it. But when she read it, it was nothing like I thought it was GREAT! I hope you make a tenth one in the future. Just two questions, is this based off a true story? And, How did you think of making all of the characters and plots, did it take time? That’s all! Thanks.

Phyllis replied:

Yes, it does take time to think up all the characters and plots.  I put far more time into just the “thinking” part of writing a book than I do in the actual writing.  The scene plays out in my mind, and then I think, what would Marty do next?  How would Judd react?  When should his dad find out about the dog?  And somehow, everything comes together in my mind

Posted on: March 12, 2020

One of my favorite books


Hi hope your having a good day shiloh is one of my favorite books . My class has read all 4 it is my favorite thing to read in my class ! I also have a dog his name is Merlin I love him just like Marty .

Phyllis replied:

So you know what it’s like to love a dog that much.

Posted on: March 10, 2020

Thank You for Shiloh


I have really enjoyed these books my class has read all 4 shiloh books I would love to see or read more . I love all of the love in this book .Thank you so much these book have been my favorite thing about my Teachers class

Phyllis replied:

Thanks so much for telling me so.  And I hope you tell your teacher how much you appreciate her.

Posted on: March 9, 2020


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