Shiloh Blog



My class just read the book Shiloh. I really loved how much emotion you put into the book. One part I really liked was when Judd was very nice to Marty and Shiloh. I almost cried when Judd gave the dog collar to Marty, and Shiloh to Marty. I have One question, Why did you pick the name Shiloh? I love that name. It just fits the dogs personality. I really, Really love your book.

Phyllis replied:

Shiloh is the name of a real community in West Virginia where I first found the dog who inspired the series.

Posted on: January 17, 2020

How do you choose the names?


.My class just finished your book called Shiloh and I have a question. How did you find all theese names for Shiloh and the other Characters? How do you get a personality for every character? I realy loved that book. That all for now

Phyllis replied:

I spend a long time thinking about names before I begin a book.  It depends on whether the character is old or young,  boy or girl, where this person lives–all sorts of things.  Then I try hard to make all the names sound different.  I get frustrated when I’m reading a book that has too many names that sound alike–Marty, Marvin, Marion, Mary….   Or if the endings of names are much the same–Christie, Larry, Sammy, Tommy, Kimberly, Susie….

Posted on: January 17, 2020



My name is Madden and my class in Waynesville just finished your book Shiloh and now its my favorite book. My favorite part in the book was when Marty stands up to Judd I don’t know,I just really liked that part. Whats your favorite part? Why did you pick the name Shiloh? I think your book was great.I’d love to see more and maybe even my class. Were about to watch the movie tomorrow i’m looking forward to it!

Phyllis replied:

Enjoy the show!

Posted on: January 17, 2020

Shiloh: was it fun?


my class read your book and we loved your book. My favorite part of the book is when Judd gave Shiloh to Marty. One of my questions is how long did it take you to write the book Shiloh? And also I would like to know if you were having fun writing Shiloh? Have a great day and don’t forget to smile.

Phyllis replied:

Yes, it was fun–even the sad parts.   I like to see if I can bring a character to life on paper.

Posted on: January 17, 2020



Me and my class have just finished reading the book Shiloh and I love it so much! This book really made me want to write my own books! This book made me so happy and sad at some times. You have such a great imagination and you are my most favorite author! I look forward to reading more of your books! I have two questions for you what was it like writing the book Shiloh and how long did it take to write the book? I definitely look forward to reading this book over and over again it was so much fun! You are so inspiring for young readers like me! I loved reading the next chapter because I was so interested to know what happened next! Our class did multiple writing assignments over the book and I enjoyed them so much because of all the information put into each chapter!

Phyllis replied:

That’s the way I felt when I was young and my parents finished reading a good book to us.  My favorite was Mark Twain’s “Huckleberry Finn.”   Some people tell me that “Shiloh” reminds them of that book–a young person going against the law because he feels it’s the right thing to do.  Good luck writing your own stories!

Posted on: January 17, 2020

More Shiloh books?


my class just read your book and we all really liked your book.I want to ask you a question. Will you make more books? My favorite part was when Judd, Travers gave Marty Shiloh if he worked 20 hours until he has enough to buy Shiloh.

Phyllis replied:

There are three more Shiloh books for you to read.

Posted on: January 17, 2020

Really enjoyed it!


I really enjoyed your book Shiloh. One reoson is because you really said some things that made people care for Marty and Shiloh and you made me care for Marty and Shiloh.
Also were about to watch the movie and why did you Name Shiloh Shiloh?

Phyllis replied:

Because I came across the little dog in Shiloh, W. Virginia

Posted on: January 17, 2020

Loved it!


I loved reading your amazing book, Shiloh. My favorite part of the book is when Marty and Shiloh are playing in the field for the first time alone. I have two questions for you. Are all the characters based on real people? How did you come up with the name Shiloh? Overall, Shiloh is an amazing detailed book. I will never forget all the ups and downs it took Marty to get Shiloh. Thank you for writing such an outstanding book.

Phyllis replied:

I’m glad you liked it so much.  All the characters came out of my own head.  I don’t write about people I know, though I may borrow some characteristic–such as their funny little smile, or the freckled arms, or any other detail that seems to fit someone in my story.

Posted on: January 17, 2020

Shiloh’s collar


me and my class just finish Shiloh and we love it.My favorite part of the book is when Judd gives Marty a collar to give it to Shiloh.

Phyllis replied:

everybody likes that part.  No one knew for sure if Judd would give his dog away.

Posted on: January 17, 2020

Why did you bring up Judd’s abuse?


My name is Braylen and my class just got done reading your book Shiloh.And I have a question about your book why do you bring up that Judd got abused when he was a kid?I also have a favorite part in the story and I want to share it with you.I loved when Marty got to keep Shiloh for good at the end of the story!And i also have another favorite part.It was when I found out that Shiloh was okay after he got hurt by that dog.And I have one more question what was your favorite part of the story? I really loved your book also.

Phyllis replied:

I think it’s important to understand that most angry, mean people have something in their background that has pushed them that way.  They treat others as they were once treated.  Fortunately there are also people who make up their minds to treat other people kindly, even though they were once treated badly.

Posted on: January 16, 2020


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