Shiloh Blog

Why was Shiloh a beagle?


my class and I have been reading your book Shiloh for the last few weeks and we are about to watch a movie about it too! We have enjoyed your book very much but, I do have some questions, Why is Shiloh a beagle? Why did Judd beat his dogs? And why didn’t Judd give Shiloh to Marty for free if Shiloh was hurt and wasn’t going to be a good hunting dog? Well,enough of that! I would like to tell you my favorite part of your book was when Marty asked for spoiled for cheap and the man at the store thought the Preston family was going through tough food times and the man told people in the town and they started to put food at their front door. Oh by the way I’m in fourth grade and I go to Waynesville elementary school. Your friend, Avia.

Phyllis replied:

Judd was a hurt and angry man, and he took his feelings out on his dogs, making them obey out of fear.  He was too proud and mean a man to give Shiloh to Marty, even though the dog had been hurt.  He couldn’t admit he was wrong about training his dogs.  I made Shiloh a beagle because the abused dog I found in West Virginia had the same coloring as a beagle.

Posted on: January 16, 2020

Will Judd take Shiloh?



My class just finished Shiloh and I loved it and we are about to watch the movie Shiloh. I think the part were David says “Judd got murdered in there” in very funny.  And Shiloh is very sad me and my 4th grade class has shed many tears reading Shiloh. Will Judd take Shiloh?

Phyllis replied:

I guess you will have to read all four books to find out what finally happens between Marty and Judd.

Posted on: January 16, 2020

How did you get interested in writing?


One of my favorite parts is when Marty and his family got to keep Shiloh,but the very interesting part was when Shiloh ran to Marty and,also when Marty built Shiloh his own pen so he could sleep in.The very exciting part was when Marty and his friend and his family found out that Shiloh was okay.   How did you get interested in writing?

Phyllis replied:

My parents read aloud to us for a very long time when we were growing up, and I loved writing my own little books.  I was 16 when I had my first story published and I wrote short stories for 15 years before I wrote my first book.

Posted on: January 16, 2020

The funny parts


Me and my friends Just finished your book Shiloh and I loved it.So,What did you like about the book? I liked the funny parts.This was one of my favorite so far. I love the personalities of the characters. Were going to see the movie and I hope it is as good as the book.

Phyllis replied:

I enjoyed writing all the parts–the funny, the scary, even the sad things.  A writer has to experience all the feelings of each of the characters she’s writing about.

Posted on: January 16, 2020

A shy dog


our class just read Shiloh it was so good. I liked it when you made Judd Travers mean at the beginning and at the end you made him nicer. Also I was wondering does Shiloh get less shy? Finally my class is going to the movie so I hope it’s so good.

Phyllis replied:

Shiloh gets less frightened of Judd, as you will see if you read all four books of the Shiloh quartet.

Posted on: January 16, 2020



Do you have a dog? Thank you for making this book I really liked it.


Phyllis replied:

I don’t have a dog now, but we grew up with a springer spaniel.

Posted on: January 16, 2020

Two questions about Shiloh


I loved the book and I have two questions my first question is was Judd Travers part of martys family since martys whole famaily knows him relly well? and my other question was Shiloh acturally Judds hunting dog or was it a lie? I love your book a lot love good work.

Phyllis replied:

Judd was only a neighbor in the community, not part of Marty’s family.  Shiloh was his new dog that he was trying to train to be a good hunter, but was obviously going about it all wrong.

Posted on: January 16, 2020



I just read Shiloh with my class, liked it and so did my class mates. It is a good book. My two favorite characters are Marty and Shiloh two questions are where did you get the name Shiloh,and how long did it take you to write this book.

Phyllis replied:

It took about six weeks to write the first draft, but many weeks after that to go over it again and again to correct mistakes and revise it further.

Posted on: January 16, 2020

My favorite part


my class in OHIO just finished reading your awesome book Shiloh My favorite part of Shiloh was when Marty was running home and he had just figured out that Shiloh was his. This was my favorite part because Shiloh would not be hurt by judd eany more.

Phyllis replied:

That was certainly a high point in Marty’s life.

Posted on: January 16, 2020

Why did you name it Shiloh?


Me and my class recently read your book and I liked your book and we are going to watch the movie. My favorite part is when Marty went to David Howard house and his pet went thought the maze did you enjoy writing the book and why did you name it Shiloh. I am a 4th grader from Waynesville Ohio

Phyllis replied:

I named both the book and the dog “Shiloh” because it was in the little community of Shiloh, West Virginia, that I came across the real dog that inspired the Shiloh books.

Posted on: January 16, 2020


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