Shiloh Blog



our class finished the book,Shiloh and watched the movie and I thought they were great. I really liked the part where Marty discovered Shiloh it was really great. It was so surprising when at the end of the movie Judd took Shiloh away but out of nowhere Marty got to keep Shiloh. I have a question, if the german shepherd did not attack Shiloh what would have happened.

Phyllis replied:

It would not have been the same story.

Posted on: January 11, 2020



I´m in 4th grade And I live in Ohio. We just finished your book and watched the movie it was so good! One of my favorite parts was when Shiloh, Marty, Dara lynn, And Becky were all rolling around in the grass hills. Another part I liked was when Marty went to Judd´s and stuck up for Shiloh. My question is why did you name Marty well Marty was it from a friend or someone you new?

Phyllis replied:

I don’t know why.  I just spend a lot of time thinking about names and trying to match them with my characters.

Posted on: January 11, 2020

Class Questions about SHiloh


Our fourth grade class, in southwest Ohio, finished reading Shiloh prior to Christmas break. We would like you to know that we love your book and we are very excited to continue reading the second book in the series. Thank you for writing such an amazing story! We all loved Shiloh so much that we celebrated our completion of the book by watching the movie. This sparked a lot of questions from our class. We would like to know your opinion of the movie. Do you think they did a good job selecting the cast? Are you a fan of the changes they made to the plot and ending? Were you a part of the production? Did you get to give the producers feedback? Thank you for your time!

Phyllis replied:

I liked the movie, even though there were a few things I would change.  I really liked the casting–especially Marty, his mom, and Judd.  I was disappointed that David Howard wasn’t in it, and didn’t see why we needed a girl named Sam, although she played her part well.  I thought her kissing him was pretty corny. I was able to make changes to the screenplay before the movie was produced; the screenwriter had ended the movie in a courtroom with a judge deciding who got the dog, and I insisted that this be changed.  The ending was more dramatic than in my book, but I liked it. Also liked the scene where Shiloh gets into the house at night; that wasn’t in the book.  Your class should know that two different beagles played the part of Shiloh.  When one got tired, the other took its place.  Scott Wilson, who played Judd, was not allowed to go near the dogs and pet them between scenes, as all the other actors were allowed to do. The director didn’t want Shiloh making friends with the actor and wagging his tail when he was supposed to be afraid.  I was present during some of the filming of the second book, Shiloh season.

Posted on: January 11, 2020

A Shiloh Christmas


I was wondering since all the other movies and books were great, would there be a Shiloh Christmas movie? If not that would be fine but I hope there would be one more book of the Shiloh Series. Thanks.

Phyllis replied:

I hope so too.  The producers keep talking about it, but nothing has happened yet.

Posted on: January 11, 2020

Another Idea


You should make a book series for Judd’s life! I think people would like another personal story. I think it would be very creative. I hope you like my idea!

Phyllis replied:

Yes, that would make a good story.  If I had nine lives, I would do that.  But right now there are eight thick notebooks on the floor beside my desk, each with the title of a book-to-be on them.  I will never be able to write all the stories that are floating around in my head.

Posted on: January 11, 2020

Where did you get the name?


I watched your book Shiloh.I really liked the book.You did a really good job on making the book Shiloh.I really liked in the book where Judd has a change of heart and let’s Marty keep Shiloh. I have one question. Where did you get the name of the Preston’s family?

Phyllis replied:

I don’ t know.  Names just come to me.  I had a cousin named Preston.  Maybe that was it.

Posted on: January 11, 2020

Was Judd made up?


My fourth grade class just got done reading Shiloh! I really liked the part when David Howard
helped Marty clean up the bloody pen where Shiloh got attacked. Also I liked the end when Judd gave Marty a colar. I also thought it was funny when Marty lied to Dara Lyn about there being a snake so she wouldn’t go up the hill.Also was Judd a real person or is he made Up?

Phyllis replied:

I just made Judd up, and would like to hope that there aren’t many people like Judd.  He was mistreated himself when he was growing up.  Some people, when they were mistreated as children, turn out to be mean to other people, to experience being the one doing the harm instead of the one being hurt.   Other people who were mistreated, grow up wanting  to be just the opposite of the person who abused them.    I’m glad there are such people.

Posted on: January 2, 2020

The snake


My fourth grade reading class in Ohio has been reading your wonderful book. I love how you wrote down that Marty lied about a giant snake on the hill and scared his sisters. Also I love how in the book Marty finally got Shiloh. Oh and one last thing, where did you get the idea of writing down the part that Marty lies about a giant snake up on the hill.


Phyllis replied:

I was just trying to think of a way Marty could scare his sisters off.  I’m glad it worked.


Posted on: January 2, 2020

The book and movie were great


Our class finished the book,Shiloh and watched the movie and I thought they were great. I really liked the part where Marty discovered Shiloh it was really great. It was so surprising when at the end of the movie Judd took Shiloh away but out of nowhere Marty got to keep Shiloh. I have a question, if the german shepherd did not attack Shiloh what would have happened.

Phyllis replied:

If the German shepherd had not attacked, I’m sure that Marty’s parents would have found out about Shiloh some other way.  A dog doesn’t stay hidden for long.  Whether the father would have been so willing to keep Shiloh for awhile, if he had not been injured, no telling….

Posted on: January 2, 2020

Making the movie


I have read your book and it was one of my favorite books I have read! (in my top 5!) The best part in the book was in chapter 14 or 15 when Marty said he was getting Shiloh. Did you help make the movie? Was it fun, or were the people mean? What was your favorite part? Were you in the movie? Are you making more books? If you are can you put me in one of them? I live in Waynesville, it is a small town. We did something in my school and I said “Judd will try to get Shiloh back.” In the movie it happened, so I guessed it! It was fun talking to you.

Phyllis replied:

I was given the script in advance and was allowed to make changes. (The original script had a judge deciding who got to keep the dog). I also was present during the filming of the second book, Shiloh Season. Everyone was very nice on the set. Most of the actors loved to pet the two dogs that took turns playing Shiloh in the movie, but Judd was never allowed to pet them, because the director didn’t want Shiloh to wag his tail when Judd came near him; they wanted the dog to act scared.

Posted on: December 27, 2019


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