Shiloh Blog

Which do you like better?

Comment: I read your book Shiloh and enjoyed it.I especially liked the part at the end when Marty and his family gets to keep Shiloh. Do you like the movie or the book better?

Phyllis replied:

I like them each for different reasons

Posted on: December 27, 2019

Why does Judd do it?


the part when Marty gets Shiloh back I was really happy and excited. I have a question. Why does Judd Travers shoot animals out of season?

Phyllis replied:

So he can sell their skins and get more money.  Also, he relied on some for a food source.

Posted on: December 27, 2019



I love your book Shiloh.I’m so happy the real Shiloh lived happily.I liked the book better.I have a question…Which did you like better the book or the movie?

Phyllis replied:

I loved writing the book.  But I also enjoyed watching the movie.

Posted on: December 27, 2019

Shiloh movie question

your book Shiloh was amazing because it was very suspenseful and I love books that are suspenseful. Also did the movie turn out how you thought?

Phyllis replied:

In some ways I thought it could be better, but I loved the actors, especially Marty and his mom

Posted on: December 21, 2019

Shiloh movie

your book Shiloh was amazing because it was very suspenseful and I love books that are suspenseful. Also did the movie turn out how you thought?

Phyllis replied:

I liked the actors they chose, and thought they were all quite good.  They also added little scenes, like the dog getting in the house at night,that added something to the movie, I thought.  But I didn’t like substituting rabbits for killing the doe, or leaving out David Howard.

Posted on: December 21, 2019



my class just finished your first book and movie and I think it was a great book ! Why was David Howerds in the book but not in the movie ? My favorite part of the is the end of the book . But my lest favorite part is the part where Judd comes to take shiloh at the end of the movie I really enjoyed your book a lot .

Phyllis replied:

I don’t know why they left David out.  I felt that was a mistake.  They probably wanted to make room, or time, for the character they added–Sam,  girl–because they felt they needed more girls in the story.  But David does appear in the movies of the next two Shiloh books.

Posted on: December 21, 2019

What I Liked

My fourth grade class just got done reading Shiloh! I really liked the part when David Howard
helped Marty clean up the bloody pen where Shiloh got attacked. Also I liked the end when Judd gave Marty a colar. I also thought it was funny when Marty lied to Dara Lyn about there being a snake so she wouldn’t go up the hill.Also was Judd a real person or is he made Up?

Phyllis replied:

Fortunately, Judd was made up.

Posted on: December 21, 2019


Thank you for writing this very entertaining story! Every time I read a chapter I want to read more of the book. Do you like how the movie turned out? I like how you got your inspiration about the stray dog. I feel sad for Shiloh when he got attacked by the Baker’s dog. I like how the book turned out. How old were you when you wrote Shiloh? I have only read the first Shiloh book but want to read more. I wonder why Sam was in the movie and not David Howard. I like how you gave the characters have the ascent in your book. I can’t wait to read more!

Phyllis replied:

We were visiting our friends in 1988 when I found the dog, and the first Shiloh book was published in 1991.

Posted on: December 20, 2019



I am so glad that you wrote the book Shiloh! It is so amazing! I really love the part when Marty starts really getting to know Shiloh. It’s so happy. I also watched the movie, but I liked the book way better it gives more details, but i’m wondering why David Howard isn’t in the movie so instead there’s a girl named Sam in return. Also one last question. Do you have any pets?


There are two more Shiloh movies–Shiloh Season and Saving Shiloh.  David Howard appears in these.

Posted on: December 20, 2019


I love Shiloh! When I read the book I fell in love with the characters! I love how Marty is brave enough to save Shiloh. I have a question.In the movie did you like that they put a girl in instead of David Howard?\

Phyllis replied:

No, I didn’t think it was necessary to put in an extra girl character, though I think she did a good job of portraying the part they made up for her.  I felt that Dara Lynn and Becky added enough girl interest, but the producers were worried that girls might not like the movie as much if there weren’t other girls in it.

Posted on: December 20, 2019


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