Shiloh Blog


My class in Ohio just recently finished the Shiloh book and movie. I love your book! It was great! Which do you like better? One day I’d like to be an author too!

Phyllis replied:

Naturally, I like my book better because I enjoyed writing it so much.  But movies can contribute special things too, and I thought that the boy playing Marty was excellent.

Posted on: December 20, 2019


I loved your book so much. You are my favorite author. I love the part when Marty gets Shiloh back. Do you still visit the dog back in West Virginia? I watched the movie after reading the book. What are you doing on the holidays? Do you have any pets? How are you doing? You are an awesome writer. Keep up the good work.

Phyllis replied

Clover died in 2000, and I bought a headstone to mark where she (it was a female dog) was buried on our friends’ property.  We went back several times to visit, but eventually our friends moved out west.

Posted on: December 20, 2019


I love Shiloh. You made your characters have such charactor. The way Judd changed through the book, it touched my heart. Also I was wondering, why was the movie so different than the book? And do you have children that were the reasons you made Dara Lynn and Becky and Marty.I very much enjoyed your book

Phyllis replied:

Movie producers usually try to put more action in a book, while a book gives you more detail.  I have two boys, but writers can write about almost anything if they have a real interest.

Posted on: December 20, 2019

Loved the action


I loved your book Shiloh it made me feel happy and sad at the same time I also have some questions. Are you making fifth or sixth even seventh Shiloh book? If you are not please make more. I loved the part were the German Shepard attacks Shiloh not that I want Shiloh to get hurt I just liked the action. I also loved the story behind Shiloh so sweet. Also do you have a dog or pet?

Phyllis replied:

No, I’m not writing any more Shiloh  books.  But I hope you are able to read all four of the books in the Shiloh quartet.  They will tell you the whole story of Marty and Judd.  I don’t have pets now, but I grew up with a springer spaniel

Posted on: December 20, 2019



I loved the book. I also loved the movie. I have two questions though. did you imagine the characters how they looked in the movie. or did you like the movie. I hope you were relived when you heard the real dog Clover was okay. I have one more question where did you get the idea for Judd?

Phyllis replied:

Yes, I  was extremely happy when I heard that our friends had taken in the abandoned dog, and they were just as excited when I told them that I was writing a book about this dog.

Posted on: December 20, 2019

The Shiloh movie

I love your book Shiloh I thought it was very sad but nice at the same time.I also recently watched the movie.And I can say that I like the book way more than the movie.The movie was just lacking so much detail like instead of Judd killing a doe like in the book in the movie Judd accidentally trapped a rabbit and in the book the Preston’s had fried rabbit for Sunday supper.But I do have a few questions.How do you feel about the movie?Did the characters look like how you thought?Any way those were my questions about the book and movie.From You fan Matthew.

Phyllis replied:

That’s an interesting question–why were the Prestons eating fried rabbit if rabbits were out of season?   I was disappointed too that the producers had Judd trapping rabbits instead of the crime of killing a doe–it would have been more effective, I think.  But I thought that the characters were well portrayed.

Posted on: December 20, 2019


I liked when Marty´s family got to keep Shiloh. What was your favorite part?

Phyllis replied:

Marty’s keeping his part of the bargain, to work for Judd.

Posted on: December 20, 2019


I absolutely love the book Shiloh.My favorite part is when Marty got to keep Shiloh.Also do you have kids?

Phyllis replied:

I have two grown sons and four grandchildren.

Posted on: December 19, 2019

What about Judd?

I loved your book Shiloh and I have a question. Where did you get the idea of Judd? I loved your book because it was a good emotional book. Thank you for writing the book Shiloh.

Phyllis replied:

Judd created the suspense and fear in the book.  If there were no problems for Marty to face, there would be less interest in the story.

Posted on: December 19, 2019



the part when Marty gets Shiloh back I was really happy and excited. I have a question. Why does Judd Travers shoot animals out of season?

Phyllis replied:

Food for himself, and also because there are probably people who would buy animal skins from him, even though he shot the animals illegally.

Posted on: December 19, 2019


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