Shiloh Blog

If You Could Change Something?


If there was one thing you could change about the books or the movie what would be?


Phyllis replied:

I would show the father to be more tired than grouchy.  He was played a bit too authoritarian  in the movie than I have imagined him to be.

Posted on: February 14, 2019

Do you have a beagle?


How long did it take you to make the hole Shiloh series?
Do you have a beagle of your own?

Phyllis replied:

It took several years to write all four Shiloh books.  No, I don’t have any dog now but I grew up with a springer spaniel

Posted on: February 11, 2019

Mean character


We would like to know why you chose to put a mean character like Judd Travers in your story?

Phyllis replied:

A good story needs conflict and suspense.  My job as an author is to make the reader really feel for the main character and his problems.  That’ why I created Judd Travers

Posted on: February 11, 2019

Books Or Movie


Hi my name is Emma. I love your books and the movie. If you had to pick witch one was your favorite the books or the movie.


Phyllis replied:

Like asking me which are my favorites–girls or boys.  they are both special.

Posted on: January 25, 2019

Happy to sad


I liked how the book went to happy to sad.


Phyllis replied:
A book can be more interesting if it makes the reader feel many different ways.

Posted on: January 21, 2019

Shiloh question


I have a question I loved the book Shiloh. Best book ever . I was wondering if you would wright a horror Shiloh.


Phyllis replied:


Posted on: January 21, 2019

Why was a girl in the movie?


I have a question is Shiloh going to be a continued book? I was also wondering why the movie had a girl and not david that made me mad. I also didn’t like that Marty didn’t tell the cops on Judd.

Phyllis replied:

I think the producers thought that there wasn’t enough about girls in the book, and they wanted a movie that would appeal to the most people. So they invited a girl with a boy’s name (!) Sam, and put her in the story.  There are three more Shiloh books in the series, though, and two of them are movies that include David Howard.

Posted on: January 21, 2019

Will Marty move?


how many books are you going to make and will Marty and his family ever move?

Phyllis replied:

I have over 140 published books, but there are only four in the Shiloh series.  No, Marty’s family does not move.

Posted on: January 21, 2019

Do you have a dog?


My class just got done reading your book. I absolutely loved your book. Some books can’t grab my attention after the first page I don’t seem to want to read . But your book was amazing it kinda had mixed emotions like happy , exiting , sad , mad . Thank you for making this book my favorite . So my question is do you currently have a dog ? If so what is it’s name ? Thank you for this book and website .

Phyllis replied:

No, I don’t have a dog now, but I grew up with a Springer Spaniel named Pepper.  There is a photograph of me with our dog and cat on my website if you search for it.

Posted on: January 21, 2019

Begged our teacher to keep reading


What inspired you to start writing. You’re so good at it!You’re also good at the grammar I would think back then thats how they talked to! Someday I might become a writer if my teacher keeps making me practice!Shiloh is so inspiring! Shiloh is such a good book I ussally put other books down after the first chapter this one i wouldn’t stop We begged our teacher to keep reading! I usally hate reading but you made me love to do it now i realize how I can become smarter by reading!Thank you!


Phyllis replied

I began writing stories when I was very young because my parents read aloud to us every night, almost until we were old enough for high school.  Of course we could read ourselves, and did, but story time was just something we all loved, and my parents were good at it.  They read with such drama–changing their voices to match the characters—that it was almost like watching and listening to a play.  My father’s reading of the Mark Twain books was one of my favorite memories of growing up.

Posted on: January 21, 2019


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