Shiloh Blog

Judd Travers


we just read Shiloh about a month ago and I loved it! so I have 2 questions
1. How did you get the idea of Judd?
2. Did you get to pick who acted in your movie?


Phyllis replied:

I think a long time as I make up a character, and I had to decide what characteristics would apply to a man who would take his anger and his own mistreatment out on his dogs.   No, I was not part of the casting committee, but I thought that the actors were well chosen.  I did, however, have a chance to read the screenplay beforehand, and was able to make a few changes.

Posted on: January 21, 2019

What made you think of a series?


Hi! My name is Paige and I LOVE your book Shiloh it’s one of my favorite books. I was wandering what made you want to make a series of books about Shiloh.


Phyllis replied:

I got so many questions about the relationship between Marty and Judd after the first book came out, that I decided to write a few more books that would tell the whole story.

Posted on: January 21, 2019



I loved your book so much and Shiloh is so cute but I’ve been dwelling on a question. Why did you make Shiloh a beagle?

Phyllis replied:

Because the real dog I found in West Virginia had the same coloring as a beagle.

Posted on: January 21, 2019

If you will make another shiloh book?


We would like to know if you could make a new book called Judd is fighting to steal back Shiloh.

Phyllis replied:

Well, if you liked the first book, you should like the three that follow it, because they tell a lot more about Judd Travers:  Shiloh Season, Saving Shiloh and A Shiloh Christmas.

Posted on: January 21, 2019

Shiloh cliffhangers

Comment: I personally like the first book better than the movie . The first Shiloh book had some really good cliffhangers. Will you continue the Shiloh series like firth or sixth book? I don’t read much but I really really liked Shiloh it grabbed my attention. Shiloh was sad,happy,scary,mad all sorts of emotions. It reminded my of a story but the story in my head is different. I am reading A Shiloh Christmas right now for my yoyo I am half way throw it and so far it is GREAT. I hope you continue the Shiloh series. I LOVE Shiloh!!

Phyllis replied:

I’m glad you liked it so much.  Something really exciting and scary happens in Saving Shiloh too, so you might want to read that book also.  I think I have written all the Shiloh books that need to be written right now.

Posted on: January 16, 2019

Shiloh and the movie


My class just read Shiloh and it was the best book I have read in years.My favorite part of the book is when Judd let Shiloh out of the truck at the end of the movie and it just made me have good feelings through out the day or any day. Why did the movie change so much compared to the book?

Phyllis replied:

Movies like to put more action in the story.  I allowed it because it didn’t change the feelings much.  In both the book and the movie, Judd grudgingly gives Shiloh back to Marty–it just changes the way he did it.  I felt that most of the movie, especially the dialogue–stayed true to the way it was in the book.

Posted on: January 16, 2019

Judd’s dogs


What happens to Judd’s other dogs? I liked the book it was one of the best I have read.

Phyllis replied:

If you read the other three books in the Shiloh quartet–Shiloh season, saving Shiloh,  A Shiloh Christmas–you’ll find out what happens to all three dogs.

Posted on: January 16, 2019

Favorite series


I just read Shiloh and my comment is that I really loved reading your books they are my favorite series of books.

Phyllis replied:

Thanks for telling me so.

Posted on: January 16, 2019



My class read Shiloh five or six weeks ago. Well I like it. Its a great book. My favorite part was the time that Judd gave Marty Shiloh.

Phyllis replied:

I guess everyone likes a happy ending!

Posted on: January 16, 2019

Shiloh question


I loved the Shiloh book. I was wondering how you thought of the names of the chapters? In my class at school we read Shiloh and after every chapter everyone would keep asking our teacher we would say can we please read the next chapter we would be ahead Of first period

Phyllis replied:

Sorry, but the chapters in Shiloh didn’t have names.  Perhaps that would be a good project for your class.

Posted on: January 16, 2019


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