Shiloh Blog



I love Shiloh! Good job because it has so many interesting words. I learned a lot from your book.

Phyllis replied:

I learned a lot just writing it!

Posted on: November 4, 2017

A lovely Reveiw


I loved Shiloh! It showed so much empathy for an animal. The book also makes you sad and laugh at the same time. The book shared so much kindness and love for a dog. I loved Shiloh so much because nobody gives up to get what they want. Things don’t always happen how the storybook character wants but this book is sort of in the middle. The book was awesome and had the power of kindness as I call it. My heart goes straight to the characters.They all show great power in their heart. I hope you continue your love of writing.

Phyllis replied:

I can’t imagine NOT loving to write!


Posted on: November 4, 2017

When Shiloh was hurt


Hi. The book Shiloh is amazing. I love how Marty has passion for Shiloh. And how Judd is so mean and makes people not like him. When my teacher was reading the part when Baker’s dog chewed up Shiloh everybody was so sad. This book is so cool because all the characters have so many expressions.

Phyllis replied:

I was really sad when I wrote that scene too.


Posted on: November 4, 2017

I loved Shiloh!


Shiloh was great!I really liked how Marty cared for animals so much. When my class read it, it was so good we didn’t want to stop reading Shiloh! All of my other classmates liked it too!

Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad you enjoyed it.  I hope you’ve seen the movie also.

Posted on: November 4, 2017

Teachers, regarding student letters

Message from Phyllis: I enjoy reading letters from your students, and if they would like to write to me personally, my address is 401  Russell Avenue, Apt. 713, Gaithersburg, MD  20877.  If class letters come all in one batch, please give me the name and address of your school so that I can write one letter to be read to the class.  If students write to me individually, U.S. mail, I try to answer each one, sometimes with a note, but always with a brochure or photo or whatever they seem to most want.  Once in a while I can’t make out the address or the city or even the child’s name, and so someone may be overlooked, but I hope it doesn’t happen often.  If you have a personal request, and don’t want your message to appear on these blogs, please email me at  In the subject heading, type personal request.

Posted on: October 20, 2017

Shiloh in our book club

My students are reading Shiloh in book club right now. Below is a letter from them. Thank you so much for your time!

We love your first Shiloh it is the best book they have read. We have almost Cried during the book.Luke’s Favorite Part was when Marty and Shiloh ran around in the meadow and played.Ellie’s was when Shiloh cried when Shiloh came back home from Doc Murphy.Gabriel’s Was when Marty found Shiloh.Thank you for making Shiloh we enjoy it SO much.

Phyllis replied:

I cried while I was writing the book, and again when I saw the movie, so I know just how you feel.  Thank you for telling me how much you enjoyed Shiloh.

Posted on: October 20, 2017

My book has been damaged!


My copy of Shiloh has been damaged, and I wonder how I could get an autographed copy from you.


Phyllis replied:

After you purchase a new book, send it to me along with a stamped, self-addressed mailer, and I will be glad to autograph it and send it back.  My address:  401 Russell Avenue, Apt. 713, Gaithersburg, MD  20877

Posted on: October 20, 2017

Read Your Book Every Year!


My 2nd grade class in Concord, CA would like to write letters to you about your book Shiloh. Plus, writing a friendly letter is one of our 2nd grade standards. Could you please provide an address where we can send you the letters?

Thank you so much! I read this book to my students every year!

Phyllis replied:

My address:  401 Russell Avenue, Apt. 713, Gaithersburg, MD  20877.

Posted on: October 20, 2017

Letters to Author


Hello. I am a teacher from a school named Odyssey Academy Bay Area Elementary in El Lago, Texas. My students just finished the first Shiloh. They are interested in writing a letter to the author. Where can we do this?

Phyllis replied:

Send them to me at 401 Russell Avenue, Apt. 713, Gaithersburg, MD  20877.   If they all come in a batch, please include the address of your school so that I can write one reply for the whole class.

Posted on: October 20, 2017

Photo of Shiloh author


Do you have any pictures of yourself, as Shiloh’s author, for sale?

Phyllis replied:

I don’t sell photos, but tell me how many you need.  ( And student that writes an individual letter to me–U.S. mail–gets a reply with a photo.

Posted on: October 20, 2017


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