Shiloh Blog



Hi I hope I get to meet you one day.

Phyllis replied:

I wish I could meet every one of my readers!

Posted on: October 18, 2017



Hello I loved the book Shiloh it was so good thank you for writing it. Alos I am a 5 grader.bye.

Phyllis replied:

A lot of people first read the book in the 5th grade.  I’m glad you like it.

Posted on: October 18, 2017

Amazing books


Will you ever make a book about Shiloh’s holiday?

Phyllis replied:

I’m not sure exactly what holiday you mean, but there is a 4th and last book in the  Shiloh quartet,  A Shiloh Christmas.

Posted on: October 18, 2017

i love your books


Hi,I am a student at a Colorado school and I have to say, you have the best book ever!!!!!! I love Shiloh! He is so cute!Thank you for making this book and reading this message.

Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad you’re enjoying this book.  I hope you’ll read the three books that follow, which continue the story of Marty and Judd and Shiloh:  Shiloh Season, Saving Shiloh, and A Shiloh Christmas, the very last book of the quartet.

Posted on: October 9, 2017

Speaking to a class of 5th graders via Skype


We are starting to read Shiloh on Monday in a 5th grade class. Would you be available to speak to the class about writing this book and why?

Also, I was excited to see that you were born in Anderson. I grew up in Selma, IN.


Phyllis replied:

I’d delighted to hear from another Hoosier.  I’m so sorry, but I’m not set up for Skype, and I just get too many requests to do this, if I was.  I’m deep into writing another novel, and need to spend every spare moment on that.

Posted on: October 9, 2017

Origin of Shiloh

Hello, I’m nine, ( As I’m Writing This )and I’m currently working on a Shiloh Origin story. Such as Shiloh’s life as a puppy, and when Judd first bought him. And I’d love if when I finish, you could read it. It will probably be finished in late December, or early January. So, I’d like for you to reply.

Phyllis replied:

I don’t usually accept things to read because I am always facing a book deadline of some kind or another, and I just get too many requests for this.  But if your story is very short, it may be something that readers would enjoy.  Good luck with your writing!


Posted on: September 28, 2017

Shiloh Lives On


I have a suggestion for you. Since you finished the Shiloh quartet with the finale, A Shiloh Christmas, why don’t you create a new Shiloh quartet? I have a suggestion that may interest you. It’s about this eight-year-old girl named Rexela “Rex” Favale and she meets Shiloh when her dad, Ben, drives her to karate class. Then a 12-year-old dogcatcher named Wound(as in the booboo) captures Shiloh and brings him to the pound. So after she rescues Shiloh, she brings him home and hangs out with him with her seven-year-old identical twin sisters, Hallie and Lola, her parrot, Lucie, and her husky dog, Barbara and Ben. Then at the end, she decides to return Shiloh and instead of Marty coming to the door, it’s Marty’s son, Matthew. Matthew tells Rex she can keep Shiloh. I’ve got some pages you can write down.

Phyllis replied:

Hmmmm.  Since Marty was eleven years old in the first Shiloh book, and Shiloh was about a two-year-old dog, and at the end of your book Marty has a son who is….eleven?  That means Marty would be about thirty-six years old, his son would be eleven, and Shiloh would be….um….a twenty-seven year old dog!   You sound like a person who has a great imagination, and perhaps you would have a lot of fun writing your own Shiloh book for yourself and your friends!  Actually, most writers prefer to think up their own ideas, because we have to feel very close to something to make an idea work.  I’m happy that you like the Shiloh books so much!

Posted on: September 20, 2017

Sad News

This week I received the awful news that Blake Heron, the actor who played the role of Marty Preston in the first SHILOH movie, had died.  He was now 35 years old, though I believe he was about 13 or 14 when the movie was produced.  He played with such feeling, and truly brought the character to life.  The whole cast is heartbroken over the death of this promising actor.   Phyllis



Posted on: September 14, 2017

When Shiloh was published


what did it feel like when you figured out that your book shiloh was published?

Phyllis Naylor:

I was really happy when the editor wrote back that he liked my story, and was going to publish it.  Once a manuscript is accepted, of course, then the editor and the author go over it again and again to change words or sentences here and there to be sure it is clear to the reader.  It takes about a year from the time a book is accepted until it appears in the bookstores.  It has to be read by the copy-editor, then it has to wait in line for the printer.  An illustrator must be chosen to work on the cover of the book….it takes a lot of people to turn a manuscript into a book.


Posted on: September 7, 2017

Shiloh is the best


Hi ms Naylor I am 10 years old. Shiloh is the best book. I had to read it this summer for 5th grade and we even watched the movie so good

Phyllis replied:

I’m so happy you liked the Shiloh book.  There are three more books in that quartet:  SHILOH SEASON, SAVING SHILOH, and A SHILOH CHRISTMAS.  If you want to know what happens finally between Marty and Judd Travers, you may want to read them all!


Posted on: September 4, 2017


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