

Hello! I’m from Minneapolis, Minnesota! I’m 14 and want to be a writer and my friends and families always make fun of me because I get really attached or connected with my characters and often act as if they’re real people, but not in the creepy crazy way, I know the difference between reality and fantasy. I just can’t help it. Do you ever get attached to your characters or sometimes feel or act as if they’re real? Have you ever cried over a character?

Phyllis replied:

AB-SO-LUTE-LY!  There are passages in my books that I don’t dare read aloud when speaking in public because my voice quavers every time.  Just reading a section aloud in my authors’ critique group can make me cry.   I identify strongly with each character, and usually murmur his or her lines aloud as I type.  Of course I  know they aren’t really there, but it seems that I carry around a group of noisy chattering characters in my head all  the time, demanding a place in a book. And that’s good news for a writer!

Posted on: July 6, 2021


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