Coming Forward


Hi Pn Since I have written you last about my guy friend I couldn’t stop thinking about things have cooled down a pit in my mind. So I went to youth group tonight and I was talking to him I know this may be a very easy question to answer  myself but I thought I would ask you. Well I was talking to him and well I felt that he was getting in my personal  space so I stepped back a little pit but everytime I would do so he would take a step forward more I didn’t want to be mean and say your in my Personal Space so I kept trying to back away a little but he would come forward everytime I stepped back. I asked my dad what this meant since he was a teen guy once but he didn’t know so I thought I would ask you what do you think it means? 

Phyllis replied:


He either likes your perfume or he has a hearing problem?

Posted on: January 16, 2011


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