Confused about God, Friends, and the World



I have read the alice series for almost 4 years (i’m 12) and have loved them. I’m a lot like Alice. I’m confused about god, freinds, and the world in general.  I don’t mean to sound like one of your average annoying little fans who would die if you stopped writting them, but I realize I do. I really hope you keep writting them for as long as you can. I just read intensely alice, and loved it. It’s so real that —— died.So many people die in car crashes that aren’t their fault. I didn’t cry, but I was in shock. I told my mom the next morning that —– died, (She used to read them to me untill I got old enough to read them myself, and I’ve been keeping her up to date ever since.) and she alsmost cried. You captured the perfect randomness of life.

     I am currently working on buying the entire Alice series off amazon. I have ordered every one at the library, and figured it would be easier if I got them at home.
     I was also wondering if there’s actually a real Alice in Charge book. I read somewhere there was, and I couldn’t find it ANYWHERE! I googled it and couldn’t find anything that matched it. So, is there?
     I better let you go, I’m sure you get a ton of theese letters everything. And I imagine they all say the same thing. I just wan’t you to know that Alice has been my best freind since I was 7. Well goodbye
Phyllis replied:
“Alice in Charge” is the name of the manuscript my editor is looking at now.  It won’t be listed as a book anywhere until it gets to the stage where it’s actually accepted, printed, and assigned an ISBN number.  My editor has already read it and we’ve discussed revisions, as always.  Look for it in the bookstores next spring. I t hink it’s wonderful that you will get the whole series.  No one knows how long the books will stay in print once I finish the series, but paperbacks will stay around much longer than the the hardcovers.
Posted on: August 26, 2009


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