Could You Read My Book?

I can’t believe I’m actually emailing an author! It’s awesome. I am a huge book fan, and will read every book in the library. Last year, in fourth grade, picking up my very first Alice book was liking picking up gold. The first one I read was Alice In Between, which I think is the very best Alice book, next to Alice In Lace. Alice, Pamela, and Elizabeth seem to real that I feel I could just see Benjamin McKinley in the phone book if I looked it up.  I have read books #2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12, and 13.
As a huge reader, I write my own books and was wondering if I could send one to you, for maybe you to read? It would mean so much to me, it really would. It would be my biggest dream come true.

Phyllis replied:
I wish I could read every book and story and poem that readers would like me to read, but it’s impossible.  I’m so swamped with work of my own.  I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed the Alice books so much.  You still have many more to read!

Posted on: November 12, 2013


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