Couldn’t Stop Crying


I can’t even begin to thank you for everything the Alice series has done for me. Alice feels so real to me! Like she’s my friend! After reading the last book, I couldn’t stop crying. It felt like a part of my life was over. So I’m just gonna read the series again! Alice has pulled me through so much in my life. Especially during puberty. I couldn’t ask for a better role model and I thank you so so much for that!

Phyllis replied:

I so appreciate your email.  It’s strange about life…when we’re young, we can’t wait not to be children anymore and become grown-up, but there’s a certain sadness, whether we admit it or not, to leaving childhood and puberty behind, and facing all the choices adults have to make.  I’m so glad the series was helpful to you.  Thanks for writing to me.

Posted on: February 17, 2015


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