Devastated About His Death
Comment: I’m writing this from my living room couch having just finished the Alice series and I could not help but to write to you. I started with the Alice series in ninth grade, on a vacation in Florida as a splurge purchase. I had some catching up to do, but once I fell in love with the series, I started reading them every year of my life. I quite literally grew up with Alice, refraining from reading her compilation of books until I was experiencing the same grade myself. The similarities were uncanny. From the New York City class trip that I also took myself in Grade 10, to her aspirations for counseling. I was both in love and intrigued with her story, daydreaming myself in her friend group on a number of occasions. In my mind, I would have dated Mark, and was devastated when I read about his death. Words are unexplainable to how her stories helped me prepare and overcome my own. I will never forget series and am forever thankful for being able to experience it.
Phyllis replied: Thanks so much for your email, especially your feelings about Mark! Gosh……if I had known! I know what it’s like, though, to think of the characters as real people. I do it sometimes myself, and think I actually knew a girl named Alice in Silver Spring. I’m glad the series meant so much to you. I suppose you’ve heard by now that the whole series will be out as a collection this summer, in three boxed sets of paperbacks.