Do You Have Kids?



hey pn, i was wondering do you have any kids? and if  so then what are theyre ages and are they boys and girls…… that is a lot of questions but i was just wondering because if you have kids that means that you have to take care of them and your job and that would be a lot of work because your job isnt like any other job you put a lot of work and your heart and mind into the books so i would think that that would be a lot of work but if theyre wasnt any people like you we wouldnt have books to read and we all wouldnt be talking to you right now… i just want you to now that i am soo glad that you have a passion for writing and being able to work very hard on our books to so good luck on continuing your writing passion aka job


Phyllis replied:

Well, I have two sons who aren’t kids any longer.  They are both married with children of their own.  But they were once small children and I was writing even then.  The minute they lay down for naps, I began writing, and wrote steadily until they woke up.  The minute they were off to school in the mornings, I began to write, and only stopped when they came home.  At one point I paid a woman to babysit all day twice a week and I went to the library and wrote.  But in some ways I had it easier than other workers, because I didn’t have to dress up and go to an office.  People seem to find time for what they love most, and since I loved both my family and my writing, I somehow managed.

Posted on: July 29, 2009


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