Do You Have Someone Else Write Them?


How do you write your books? Do you type them on the computer or hand write them, or record them and have someone else write them, or even use a type writer?
Phyllis replied:
I write on a clipboard, sitting in a really comfortable chair.  After I hand-write the first chapter, I immediately go back and rewrite it by hand, so that I can still read it the next day.  The first draft is pretty sloppy.  After I’ve written it twice, I type it on the computer, changing again as I go.  I print it out, edit it some more, print it again, have my husband read it and criticize it, rewrite it again, print it out, and finally, when I’m satisfied it’s the best I can do, I send it to the editor, who will ask for more changes and revisions.  I think the most revisions I ever did on a manuscript was for my book ICE–18 revisions.
Posted on: September 25, 2009


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