

Our 169 fourth grade Title 1 students were set to read Shiloh on ebooks and eaudio via our public library. Then I was informed by the public library Overdrive has changed their policy within the last week and are now charging $36 per ebook. Our public library can it afford this price for the multiple ebooks we need.
Can you tell me how I might access the ebook for Shiloh for the remainder of our students (80). As you know student’s learning modalities are different with most preferring the print. In the past we have classroom copied if Shiloh and have supplemented with books from the public library. Now our school is closed as is the public library. As the library media specialist, on behalf of all the students who have loved the Shiloh quartet, thank you!

Phyllis replied:

I wish I could help  you, but I know absolutely nothing about rules and arrangements for ebooks.  I’m referring your letter to my editor but I truly don’t know if you’ll get the information you need.  Most of the editors and others in the publishing business are working from home and may not have the access to all the things they need.  But we’ll give it a try.

Posted on: April 23, 2020


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