Elizabeth’s embarrassing period experience


Hello, I am a gigantic fan and I love the Alice Books and although I was sad it ended I’m so glad it ended with a happily ever after especially Alice marrying Patrick, She and Pamela and Elizabeth being friends for all those years, her becoming a counselor and helping kids through the same things she faced and writing a book series of her own life! It was all wonderful! I remember when Alice and Pamela taught Elizabeth how to use a Tampon when she was bleeding when she got out of the pool and I remember how embarrassed she was, was that something that happened to you? or was it something that happened to one of your friends or family?

Phyllis replied:

It was worse than that.  We were horsing around in a public pool and a girlfriend and I were each riding around on a boy’s shoulder,  trying to push the other girl off into the water.  Once we did, we climbed back on again, and the boys were laughing a lot.  My girlfriend whispered to me that we should go inside to the shower room, and told me that  a very private part of my body was peeking out of the very narrow portion of the bathing suit between my legs.  I forced myself to fix it up and go right back in the pool and we found other things to do. But it’s still embarrassing to think about it.



Posted on: July 4, 2021


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