Elizabeth’s First Pelvic!

I just read a recent response you wrote, saying that many girls going to college are bringing their Alice books. I am writing to say that it is the case with me, too! I have a little crate under my bed, and whenever I am feeling homesick or sad, I turn to Alice and she always makes me feel at home. I’ve read every book at least 3 times each, and it is wonderful to revisit some memories while in a new environment. I just finished “Achingly Alice” and forgot how monumental Elizabeth’s first pelvic was! I especially love the part where the girls are looking at the douche in the bathroom and when Lester goes in, he “gallantly” hands them the nozzle! Thank you for giving me a home away from home!
Phyllis replied:
That was a favorite part for me too, and was fun to write.  I’m so glad that Alice gives you a “home away from home.”
Posted on: October 3, 2009


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