Email from New Zealand


Hi, I remember the first time that I read an Alice book – it was Alice Alone and I remember how I just fell in love with the series and I would go to the library and get out about 4 or 5 at once because I would just read them in one sitting! I really, really, really love them and I’m 16 now (around 13 when I found them) and I’m so excited for the next two books to see what happens! 

Thank you so much for creating such an amazing series, I feel like every book shows an issue or Alice and her friends go through something that me and my friends or other teenagers go through and it’s so great to have a book series that we can relate to that’s actually so well written and generally great!
thank you thank you thank you
Phyllis replied:
It’s truly wonderful to know that the Alice books are read around the world.  My editor will enjoy your email also.




Posted on: November 11, 2011


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