Even Christian Girls have Questions


I just wanted to let you know what a blessing your Alice books have always been to me throughout my life.
I was so excited when I read my first “Alice” book. The girl inside was my age, and like me, imperfect in so many ways.
She had a funny older brother named Lester, an amusing Aunt, and a great Dad. (And a terrific boyfriend!) I’m 18-years-old                                           (tomorrow  is my 19th birthday) and I’m a Christian. Even Christian girls have questions about growing up, relationships, bodily changes, and                          other girly stuff. I’ve learned so much about myself from reading your books, and as the only girl in a family of 5 brothers, I’ve found a wonderful                           sister in Alice.( I’ve both cried and laughed with Alice.)
You’ve also influenced me to begin writing fiction myself. I would like to be a novelist too, someday.
Thank-you for all the hard work you’ve put into the Alice series. I hope that one day, I’ll have a daughter who can grow up knowing my favorite
 character too.

Phyllis replied:

Of course Christian girls have questions too.  We all have bodies and we all have the same problems.  I’m so glad you enjoy the Alice books.  You could write stories of your own if you have five brothers!  Best of luck, and thank you for writing to me.



Posted on: June 16, 2012


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