Ever Feel Like Just Giving Up?



I love your alice books!<3 I think I wanna be a writer when i’m older i’m not sure my friends and family say i’m very creative and sometimes randomly things just come to me and I think “that would be good for a book.” I’m not so great in math since writing doesn’t really involve math I think it would be a perfect job for me. But when you wrote your first book did you have another job to support you while you were writing it? Do you ever feel like just giving up and taking a break?? And when you send a story to a publisher and they reject do you give up and start writing a whole new one or send it to a different writer and see if they like it? Thanks for having this website!


Phyllis replied:


  Yes, once I almost gave up.  In fact, I was going to burn all my manuscripts.  Then I got $60 for a short story and that changed my mind.  Always have another job in mind to support yourself.  Writing can be an iffy business, but good luck!  Always send a manuscript out to other publishers if you’re rejected.

Posted on: October 6, 2009


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