Everybody loves Alice!


Dear Phyllis,
My name is Felicity, I’m 16 years old and I’ve read every single Alice book out there and they are wonderful! Almost every girl at my school loves the Alice books and they really look up to you and Alice. Some girls are obsessed with her! She truly is a remarkable character created by a talented and remarkable writer. I absolutely cried from pure joy when Alice and Patrick got married, had children and grew old together, All the girls in my school were happy about that too! they were TERRIFIED that you weren’t going to make them end up together but I’m glad they’re finally together forever and always. I also think that the job you gave Alice was indeed the best for her because she always found ways of helping kids at her school so being a guidance counselor was definitely the best fit for her. Some of my teachers even grew up reading the Alice books. I speak for all the girls in my school when I say thank you so much for writing Alice and giving her such a wonderful ending!

Phyllis replied:

You made my day!   MY worry was that, after promising 28 books in the series, one new book a year, I might get run over by a bus or something and not live long enough to write them all, but hurrah!  Still here!

Posted on: May 1, 2021


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