Failing the driving test


I've been reading the Alice books since right before I began fifth grade, and I'm about to be a senior in high school. I've always loved them, and I've finished them all except for the latest one, which I'm currently reading. (I also really enjoyed Ice; it's one of my favorite books of all time.) I live in Maryland, so
I've always liked reading about places I know of, and I also just love reading about someone like myself!

Anyway, a few weeks ago, I failed my license test. I was devastated, as I'd practiced repeatedly and perfected everything. I got anxious and failed on the parallel parking. Afterwards, I got home and was sitting around feeling bad about it all, and I remembered that in Alice on Her Way, she had the same experience I did. I decided I deserved to feel better, so I immediately got on Amazon and ordered It's Not Like I Planned It This Way, so I got three books for the price of one. It came the next day, even though I hadn't even ordered next-day shipping, so yay Amazon! Going through the books made me feel a lot better, and I'm scheduled to take the test again soon, so hopefully I'll get it the second time. It was nice to read about someone going through the same thing as me, so thank you for that. I can't wait to read the last Alice book, sad as it will be for me, but the great thing about your books is that they don't get old. They're easy to reread, which I plan on doing!
-A fan!
PS, I'm really sorry about your husband.

Phyllis replied:

I can sure empathize with you.  I remember how scary the driving test was for me, 
especially parallel parking.  I almost never parallel park anymore, but it's nice 
to know I can do it if I have to.  Thank you for your email, and best of luck when 
you take that test again.  I'm sure many other readers have taken it several times!

Posted on: August 19, 2012


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