Female Masturbation


    I am a 13 year old girl, that masturbates every night, and I have heard of many guys who do this. In fact, in my school guys show off their ‘jack off muscles’ but I have never heard of a girl to do such a thing. One time, me and my girlfriends were talking about random stuff, and I brought masturbation up, and they seemed appalled at the idea that any female would do such a thing, so I didn’t say anything about me doing it… Not just a lot (Alice did it 3-5 days a week, and she thought that was a lot!) but I do it every single night. It helps me go to sleep, and I try to quit, but I can’t. So anyways, my question is: Is masturbation bad for girls, inappropriate, making them sex starved? ect. And am I the only 13 year old girl in the world that does such a thing. Thank you!  

Phyllis replied:

It’s a lot easier for boys to find their penis than for girls to discover their clitoris, and this is probably why boys discover masturbation early on.  I can assure you there is a huge, huge population of 13 year old girls who masturbate, as well as younger girls, older girls, grown-up girls and even grandmothers.  Some girls do, some girls don’t.  Some do it a lot, some do it once in a while.  Some girls have other ways to relax, and it doesn’t really matter.  I know it’s not a topic girls usually discuss, while guys can actually brag about it.  Maybe they feel it’s not feminine or something.   But it’s good for girls and women to know their own bodies better and what gives them pleasure.  This makes it easier for them to tell their male partners what works and what doesn’t.

Posted on: December 3, 2009


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