Finding a Life-Long Companion


My question is in regards to a response that you gave to the writer who asked “Did I Pick the Right College?”  You responded that the book that really helped you out during your college years was called “Good Reading”.  I would love a copy of that book and was wondering if you remember who wrote it so I can try to look for it online?  I tried researching it online but the tittle is a little generic so I couldn’t pinpoint to the correct one.

Also,  I noticed on your biography that you have been long married to your husband, Rex.  I was wondering if you could share some tips on finding a life-long companion to your young readers.  Please don’t say it’s just luck :)!
Phyllis replied:
The full title of the book I  referred to is Good Reading, the 20th Edition of the Noted Guide to the World of Books, prepared by the Committee on College Reading, J. Sherwood Weber, Editor.
I think that a life-long companion should be someone with whom you feel really comfortable being yourself, and who brings out the best in you–who wants the best for you, not in terms of material things, but in who you are striving to be, what you are striving to do.  And I would list the three components of love as passion, tenderness, and joy.  Think about it: you may feel tenderness and joy toward someone, but no sexual attraction, or you may feel tenderness and passion toward someone, but not really joy–delighting in that person’s presence.  When you have all three, that’s something to hang onto.

Posted on: June 20, 2013


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