Flirting at the Movies


Hey PN. First of all thanks sooo much for writing the alice books! i am in LOVE with them and all your work you’ve done!! Second, i need some advice. I kinda liked this boy for a few months and we’ve been talking online while i’ve been on summer vacation. he asked me to see a movie with him when i get back home. what are some tips to flirt at the movies and to start conversations when theres an awkward pause..its a scary movie if that helps. thanks!! <3

Phyllis replied:

Yeah, scary movies do help.  You can always grab his arm and lean in closer, saying, “Oh, I’m going to hate this part.”  If he takes a cue and puts an arm around you or snuggles closer, you’ve let him know you like closeness.  If he sits like a stone, and doesn’t respond, release his arm and let him make the next move.  If you lean in close and he elbows you away, better say “Goodbye” when the movie’s over.  Conversation?  Have a good story to tell him in the back of your mind–something you read in the paper, something to make him laugh–how a bank robber returned to the bank to ask if they could give him twenties instead of fifties.  Pick up on every little bit of talk he gives you that can be discussed further.  If he tells you that he’d give this movie a B rating, ask what his three favorite movies are of all time.  Tell him yours.  Being a good conversationalist is listening very carefully to another’s questions and answers to see where you could add on with a question, a comment, or steer the conversation in a new direction.

Posted on: July 11, 2009


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