Forever Grateful



I started to read the Alice series when I was a young girl and immediately fell in love. There was something so pure and real about Alice that made me feel as though I had just made a lifelong friend. It was incredible that when I started the series I was in elementary school and that as I grew older and was constantly questioning things, so was she.

I am embarrassed to admit that as life continued and got busier I had less time to read and ultimately did not know about the last book in the Alice series.

Recently, I found myself wondering about you and your series and realized that I had not completed the series. I got “Now I’ll Tell You Everything” and finished it within a day. I am so happy I did because it gave me the closure I didn’t know I needed within Alice’s story and all the beloved characters.

It was a very full circle moment for me as I realized I am growing as fast as Alice. I wanted to extend my gratitude for you and this series. I will forever be grateful to you, Alice and all thw wonderful books that helped me grow up to handle love, loss and hardships.

Forever grateful to you,


Phyllis replied:

Thank you so much for writing to me.  There are 28 books in the Alice series and it took me 28 years–writing one per year–to complete it–keeping enough time to write other books on the side. But it was always a joy when the time came to write another Alice book, and it was always in the back of my mind–how old she would be, what grade she’d be in, what Patrick was doing, how her dad was getting along…  They were like a family I had known forever, and I was a bit sad when it was over, but time to move on to other books.

Posted on: March 24, 2022


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