From Germany


I can’t believe how much the Alice series influenced my whole life. I am from Germany and I started reading the Alice books when I was seven, now I’m almost seventeen, next year I’m going to finish school… Now remembering me, reading the Alice books and thinking I would never come out of school, it is a really strange feeling. You can’t imagine how much I owe to you. It is like Alice grew up with me, helped me… when my first boyfriend broke up with me, I read the book where Patrick leaves Alice. Alice comforted me.
To me, the Alice books are my childhood. I could flee to them when I was sad, Alice always chaperoned me. With this mail, I just want to thank you so much. Just, unbelievable much. I think, it also due to you, that I am now that close with my best friend. We had a lot of problems in the past (her parents divorced, school grades, self harm…), but when we found out, that there are more books after Intensely Alice, we couldn’t stop ourselves from crying and laughing at the same time. Alice means past to us, remembering the good things and all the problems you had to survive. I am full of gratefulness.

Phyllis replied:

It was so good of you to write to me.  I’m going to forward your email to my editor.  It will make her happy too.

Posted on: May 29, 2013


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