From Singapore



Hi Mrs Phyllis,
I saw your advertisement on your blog that if i have any questions but i dont really have a question more like wanting to talk / fan mail. I come from a Singapore school and i LOVE your alice books they make me feel so content on the inside. If you want to know, i am not really a singaporean more like i come from England and i dont live in singapore just study there so i have to travel everyday. I know i may be saying too much than i should but i just wanted you to know that your alice books are the only thing that makes me happy except my family and food. 🙂 What i read in your alice books is sometimes what i wish my life was like. I am 13 and i have not ever had a boyfriend or stuff like that. So i know you might be busy and all so i shall make this short and sweet and say that I think u are inspiration to me and when i grow up i may be a writer like you or a phyciatrist like alice even though i think my parents expect me to be a doctor even though i know they will understand. Thank you for listening to me. I hope you will make more alice books in the future as i borrow them from my school library but i have to search in other places as i have read all the alice books in my library.
 Thank you for your writing and PLEASE continue to write and i know u may think i am just one girl in the thousands that LOVE your alice books but they are more than that to me so thank you.


Phyllis replied:
It’s wonderful to hear from Alice readers from many different countries.  I hope you will be able to find all 28 books in the Alice series.  Thank you so much for writing.

Posted on: June 19, 2011


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