From the Philippines

This is the first time that I’m gonna write a letter to an author. And I’m glad it was you! I’m from Philippines and I’m an avid fan of your series. Somehow, I feel something when I read it. It’s like a sort of excitement every time I read a part of the book. I was 10 when my mother bought Agony of Alice in a book sale and since then, every time I visit a bookstore, I was programmed to look for your book. I only have five books in total, not to mention that one was lost by my friend. Here in the Philippines, it’s very hard to find an Alice book. I have considered browsing the net for an Alice book but I have no money to even ship one to the Philippines. I really love your books Mrs. Naylor and would like to find out in any way that you can help me with my problem. 
Phyllis replied:
I wish I had an answer, but I don’t.  It seems a common problem with readers from other countries.  If you can’t afford to buy books on at their reduced rates and sometimes free postage, ask your librarian if she could help you find the books you want.
Posted on: December 10, 2011


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