Fun Watching Alice Change and Grow

Hey! I know you probably get thousands of these a day so you don’t have to reply, but I figured since I spend so much time reading Alice I owe you my gratitude for writing the series. I am a freshmen in high school and I just started reading the books a few years ago, it has been fun watching Alice change and grow, and she has also helped me change and grow as a person. Every may I eagerly wait for a new Alice book to come out and I just got the latest Alice book (incredibly Alice) and am only a few chapters away from finishing. Again thanks so much for writing the Alice books.
Phyllis replied:
I’m glad you feel this way.  Some booksellers were worried, when I had Alice get older in each book, that I would lose my readership, but it seems to have worked the other way….  

Posted on: June 20, 2011


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