Give us a hint?

Question:  Hi Mrs. Naylor. I must say, I love the Alice series. My friends think I’m crazy that I read so much of your books & have no time to hang with them. I always bother my mom to go with me to the library so that I can read the next book of the series. Anyways, I can really relate to Alice & somehow, I wish I have a sister like Alice & a brother like Lester (i’m an only child). I’m very excited to read Alice on Board & even though the series is going to end (i’m very sad about that), I hope Alice & Patrick will marry each other. I won’t mind reading lots of pages on the last book as long as I know what will happen to all the characters Can you give me a hint what the cover will look like for “Always Alice”?  You’re an awesome author.


Phyllis replied:

I haven’t seen the cover yet myself, but the editor says it’s great!  I believe Alice is standing at the rail of a cruise ship.

Posted on: January 17, 2012


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