Gives me Guidelines on what to do


I started reading the Alice books when I was ten I am eleven now. My mom has asked me doesn’t it feel weird reading about older girls but I said no because it gives me guide lines and what to do and not to do. The Alice series has helped me give advice for myself and others. Have you ever considered doing a movie for Alice? I was reading one of the books on an airplane and I forgot what I was reading but I started bursting out in laughter and everyone looked at me, and ten minutes later I let out a small screech (Or what i consider small!)
My dad is an alcoholic and so it feels like hes dead, my mom divorced him when I was young so I feel like I am both Pam Liz And Alice!
If you reply I will be the happiest eleven year old!

Phyllis replied:

Okay, you are now the happiest eleven year old!   One movie has been made, a producer’s version of ‘The Agony of Alice.”  They titled it “Alice Upside Down,” and you can get it on DVD.  I like the actress who played  Alice, and Lester has his moments, but they changed some of the other characters, so you really need to approach the movie as something quite apart from the Alice books you know.   I’m really glad to know that the Alice books have been so helpful to you.  Thanks for writing to me.

Posted on: July 12, 2012


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