Going Crazy in New Zealand

hi im emailing here from newzealand. I absolutely love your books so much. I know you get that from every person but I know everyone loves you books the same as I do. I’m only 13 and I have finished all you books waiting for the last one, coming out in november. I’m year 8 and school finishes in like 2 and a half months and we are in september. i enjoyed this year so much. and i don’t want the year to end but then I want it to go even faster when i think about the last alice book coming out in october. I dont know what to do please help!!! by giving us a little hint. PLEASE!  Crazy fan
Phyllis replied:
It’s coming out in October, not November, and that’s only a month off!  But I don’t want you to go crazy, so here’s a second hint.  The first hint, remember, was “Oklahoma.”  The second hint is, “PC.”   Now, NO MORE HINTS, okay?  But I’m delighted you are a true blue fan, way off in New Zealand! Thanks for writing.

Posted on: September 16, 2013


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