Had the Courage…


I just wanted to say thank you for writing the Alice books. I read them growing up and I learned so much. The answers to all the questions I was too embarrassed to ask or didn’t even think to ask were in those books. And I’ve started to realize how Alice has shaped me without me even noticing. For example, even when I was younger and before I knew I wasn’t straight, I spoke up for LGBTQ rights and joined clubs for it. And I think I had the courage to do that because a year earlier, I’d read about Alice doing it.

So anyway, thank you for writing those books. They are absolutely amazing for girls to have while growing up. I am 20 now and about to re-read them all. And before I do, I just wanted to let you know how much they helped me and how much of my heart they still have.

Phyllis replied:

What a wonderful message you have for girls everywhere.  Until we really feel comfortable in our own skin, it’s hard to make the right decisions.  I’m so glad that the Alice books were helpful to you.  Thanks for taking the time to write to me.

Posted on: December 30, 2016


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