Have Learned So Much from Alice



just finished reading Incredibly Alice and I definitely enjoyed it. I’ve been reading the Alice books since I was around 13 in the 7th grade. I am 18 now, just graduated this past may, and am heading off to college in the fall. I find it so interesting that I just so happened to graduate the same year that Alice does in the books. Because of this I was really able to relate to the story line because I’m dealing with some of the exact same feelings, worry, nervousness, feeling like all my friends have a plan but me etc. I also found it pretty cool that my prom was on the same day as Alice’s, May 14th 😉 Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate all of the time and effort you’ve spent over the years working on the Alice books, I have learned so much from her and I will continue to be a loyal reader until Always Alice.

Phyllis replied:

And I’ve learned so much from my readers.  Many of the things that take place in the Alice books came from ideas I got from your emails.


Posted on: June 30, 2011


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