Helped me to come out


 I want to thank you so much for writing the Alice books! They are amazing, and I feel like the characters are so real, something other authors can’t achieve. I started reading them when I was in fifth grade (I’m sixteen now), and ever since that first chapter in The Agony of Alice, I’ve been hooked. I have always loved reading, but your books are different, so indescribably stupendous, that I’d have to create a new word to describe them. They’ve also helped me through a lot, especially Alice’s acceptance of all types of people. This helped me to realize that it’s okay to be different, and it’s made it easier to come out to friends and family as transgender. I’ve also started writing my first novel. Thank you SO much for the Alice books!

Phyllis replied:

I’m delighted to know that the books have been helpful to you.  They weren’t really written as self-help books–just books in which a girl and her friends faced all kinds of problems and decisions, and the reality of dealing with them–some wisely, some not so wisely.  But I would have loved these books as a young girl, helping me understand myself and people who were different in some way from myself.  Thank  you so much for writing to me.

Posted on: August 19, 2012


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