High School Isn’t That Much Different


i would like to offer up advice to girl whose nervous of high school. A lot of people are also afraid even if they don’t admit it. Just remember you aren’t the only one. When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed just know that you made it through junior high and high school isn’t that much different. Just take it period by period and remember to breath when you start to feel sick. You probably will still have friends with you and if you don’t you will probably make a lot once you are there. And no matter how bad things get just remember things will get better in the end. I hope this advice helps at least a little.

Phyllis replied:


It’s wonderful when readers help out, and I really appreciate your reply.  For me, high school was a lot better than junior high.  I got stomach aches during math all through seventh and eighth grades, and even though the high school building was four times the size of the junior high, I found the classes a lot more fun and interesting.

Posted on: July 8, 2009


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