Hope I Can Buy the Whole Series

I’ve picked up my first Alice book back in 6th grade, which was 6, almost 7, years ago. The first book I picked up was Outrageously Alice and since then, I’ve been in love with this series. I’ve done some research about this book and found out it was a series so the first thing I did was find out the order. Now so long after I found this blog site for the Alice Mckinley series. I was sure a happy camper ^_^. Since then, I’ve read every book from “Starting with Alice” and now recently finished “Now I’ll Tell You Everything” in one day (I was obsessed, I had to know everything.) I borrowed every Alice book from the library, even when there was a long wait. As soon as I got my hands on one of the books, I couldn’t put it down.

It’s been a great 6-7 years reading about Alice’s life and connecting hers to mine. I sometimes feel like I am Alice, dealing with everything that has happened. There were numerous amounts of times when I cried reading. Every scene was very touching. Since my aunt passed away this year, whenever I think about funerals, I would think about her. It was really sad reading about Mark’s passing. Life is so precious that we don’t know when it can be taken away from us. I cried the most when Patrick’s parents both passed and then Alice’s father Ben passed. It was really sad because I’m only 17 right now and I don’t want to picture my life with out my parents. I’m a very emotional person and literally everything can make me cry, haha.

I hope soon, Barnes and Noble will be about to have the full set of the Alice Mckinley series so I can buy the entire set instead of purchasing every book individually. I currently only own 3 of the books since most of them I just borrow from the library near me. I plan on having the entire set of Alice books for until my last breath and for my own children to read them. I just love her so much. I also hope that this series can turn into an ongoing tv show. I’ve already seen Alice Upside Down, but that was only when she was in the 6th grade. I want to watch a show of Alice Mckinley’s life. I’m positive that if your series can turn into a tv show, everybody who read the books or will be reading your books, will definitely enjoy a television show. 🙂

Thank you for writing such amazing books, I truly enjoyed reading every single book, even the non Alice ones, such as Shiloh books.
Phyllis replied:  
Thanks so much for your letter.  There was some talk about making the whole series available, and I’ll keep after the publisher about that.

Posted on: December 30, 2013


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