How Can I Get Him to Like Me?

 I need some help but first I want to thank you so much for writng the Alice series!
I am in sixth grade(in middle school) and I found out that the boy I liked in 4th grade likes another girl. I heard him talking at the end of school when kids r being loud and stuff so im only 99% sure he said that. He moved after 4th grade 4 a year so I we dont acually talk to eachother like we some times did 2 years ago. At first i was crushed but then I was talking with a girl who has some classes with him and i told her how I liked him in 4th grade but how i dont know if i still do. She said that he doesnt like the girl who i thought he did. (I still kinda think he likes her). She also told me that this other girl told her that she likes him and how sure she was he liked her back. That how I felt for awhile cuz he isnt the type of guy who’s like “eww girls they’re so annoying” he makes a lot of girl like him becuz of that. The real problem is that there is this other guy who is really funny and nice(just like the first boy). I convinced myself to like him so I could get over the other boy. But it turns out I really do like him and I literally think of him 24/7. Unfortunatly he is just like the first guy, girls absoulutly adore him. Some just like him as a friend but I know at least 2 other girls who r crushing on him.But those 2 girls dont acually talk to him. He always goes “Hi CC” when i pass him in the hall and i say hi back,but he also does that to my best friend.(my best friend doesnt like him cuz she says she hates boys who make all the girls like him.). He also talks to me some other times. If he wasnt so friendly with girls i would be positive he likes me. A rumor has it that he likes some girl that is a HUGE jerk to everyone which doesnt make sense cuz he is so nice to everyone. Im asking how to get him to like me more than a friend and if i should ask my BFF to tell him (which she said was ok with her).  -Heart ache
Phyllis replied:
Arrrggghhh!  I wonder if boys know how much weight some girls attach to a simple “Hi!”  And if you think you have heartache now, wait until you ask someone else to ask him if he likes you and his answer travels back to you with detours along the way.  I wish girls would put as much effort into smiling at and talking to and listening to and just plain enjoying a boy’s company as they do in looking at everything he does and says through a magnifying glass and trying to predict the future.
Posted on: October 26, 2009


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