How Do We Get an Autograph for our books?

I wrote to you over a year ago when I finished Alice on Board telling you how wonderful and touching it was and how I couldn’t wait for the last book among other things. Well, I’ve just finished Now I’ll Tell You Everything, and I’d like to reiterate how incredible you and the series has been to me. Alice has been with me since the fourth grade, and now I’m a sophomore in college. I love her, and I loved reading about her in your final chapter for her. It was simply perfect. I can’t wait to have a daughter of my own to share the books with. Thank you for being such an amazing and inspirational author and creating an equally amazing and inspirational character in Alice. I will forever be thankful to you, and I will forever love Alice. I so wish I could have met you on your book tour in October, but life held me here in NC working in school. I would love to have my copy of Now I’ll Tell You Everything signed. I had read on your site about being able to send you a book plate for you to sign and send back, and I wondered if that was still possible and where it is I am supposed to send it if so? Thank you so much for your time, and thank you so much for Alice.

Phyllis replied:
Thanks so much for your wonderful email.  You may send a book plate or just a label to me, at my address, 401 Russell Avenue, Apt. 713, Gaithersburg, MD  20877, and also enclose a stamped return envelope with  your name and address–including zip code–and tell me the name you want on the book plate or label.

Posted on: November 25, 2013


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