How Do You Come Up With Story Lines?



i am 15 years old.  I am absolutely in love with all of the alice books, and own every single one of them.  I am so eager for the next one to come out! 

I have some questions, comments, and thoughts that i would like to share with you.  First of all, i wanted to say how much your books have helped me through a rough time.  When i was 12 years old, i was diagnosed with a type of Leukemia (just like Molly).  I fought so hard for two years and finally beat it.  Whenever i was feeling upset, or when i was coming home from Chemo every day, feeling nauseous and pissed at the world, i would pick up one of your books and read them.  Obviously, i am in remission now, but i still sometimes don’t quite feel myself.  Reading your Alice books has taken my mind off of my illness and made me happy (something that was not easy to do).  Thank you so, so, much.

I wanted to know how many more alice books you are going to make.  I really don’t think you should stop.  I think you should actually continue with her through her twenties.  I would love to be able to “grow up” with her.  another question: how do you come up with the story lines?! they’re pure gold!

Phyllis replied:

I’m so happy that you are in remission.  I have friends who have gone through chemo, and know a little of what that is like.  I wish I could continue Alice forever, but the last book is already written, and all I have to do now is write the books in between!  I guess I’ve sort of “grown up” with Alice too–as her mom–and I simply put myself in her place, with her family in mind, with her background, and try to imagine what her life would involve next.   Then I write about it.  Readers keep sending me things they want me to write about–have her try drugs, make her diabetic, get her pregnant, etc.  The ideas have to come from me, and Alice can’t be “every” girl.  She already has a formed personality, a formed family, relationships with friends, her own values, and I can only have her do what I feel would be natural in her circumstances.  I’m delighted that the books have helped you in any way, and send my very best wishes!

Posted on: September 23, 2009


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